A perspective on own perspective│Chapter ~1│ Everything is right in it's own way


             A perspective on own perspective

Chapter 1

Everything is right in it's own way


From that day forward, since I was able to feel myself, not so perfectly. Here, I define my point of view about others, i.e., creatures and the universe. I refrained from using inverted comma'd sentences not to share my own thoughts, but because of my ignorance. I live in a flock of two-legged sheep. Yes, you got it. I am talking about those humans who follow the crowd. I always wonder why these creatures don’t think for a while before becoming engaged in something. A child’s brain starts to imitate the same things seen in the surrounding. I was also a child and surrounded by them, the two-legged sheep. I recited the same words, I followed the same rules and regulations made by them.

It may seem funny, but what can an infant child do more than that? I think a child should be surrounded by a peaceful environment. Peace doesn’t only mean noise prohibited or a silent zone. If a parent without inner peace moves to a child, he cannot make the child happy or satisfied because an unsatisfied or unhappy person can’t guarantee others’ happiness. I think a child can understand the intentions of those who come near him. Don’t get surprised. I am mentioning the reason. If a child can’t understand the called youths' feeling, why does he cry to be with some people? I think the child just cries with those with an evil heart. I am not intending to label them as evil-hearted, but being a child, everyone can feel this. A child becomes happy with those whom he feels safe to be with. I have never been ignored by any child, but it doesn’t mean that I am always well-intentioned. Neither am I bad. I think being good or bad is not more than our point of view.

                                                                                         A.                                                              B.

   Here, neither A is correct nor B, and also, none of them is incorrect. No one can advocate being their supporter because none of them is wrong. They are right in their own way. I also think differently, that's why I never find anyone wrong. I want people to think about others' perspectives. Sometimes I may be wrong for you, but I am not wrong for me or my perspective. Just once, feel my emotions and be me.


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