Ayodhya Ram Mandir, a view


     “Ubiquitous is not anyone’s personal”

I have always wondered ‘Who is Rama?’ Is he just a son of Dasharatha or just Sita’s husband? Or, a person whose name is the source of joy for Yogis. Never the less, it is the source of joy for every single creature in this universe. Never have I wondered how exultant only the name Rama is, what possibly his presence could be?

While this have been true for Treta-Yuga but is this Kali-Yuga that Lord Rama himself has to wait for centuries to be sheltered in his own palace? It doesn’t implies that Lord Rama didn’t face this adversity before, he was exiled for 14 years in the forest during Treta-Yuga too. But neither he was sad nor happy. In my perspective this is the character of a meritorious person who is never insolent in happiness and never panic in sadness. Can’t we learn this this from Rama?

When the boundary of patience exceeds, history is created.

Year 1528, a mosque was built by Mughal ruler Babur's general Mir Baqi after allegedly demolishing the temple at 'Ram's Birthplace' in Ayodhya's Ramkot and no one could raise a single voice against him. What possibly could be most dismaying than this? 

* Year 1853, along with the colonization of British Empire, first religious voice was raised against the matter. 

* Year 1949, History never remains hidden. An idol of Lord Rama was found surfaced inside Babari Masjid.

* Year 1992, after all the disputes, Babari Masjid was demolished by karsevakas in the presence of leaders from Shiv Sena, VHP and BJP.

* Year 2019, Supreme Court of India took 27 years to take a decision in favor of Lord Rama’s birthplace and the construction of the temple was started.

* Year 2024, 22nd of January, 496 years of long exile of Lord Rama as well as the faith of all the Hindus was ended and the idol of Rama Lalla was established and inaugurated. 


     Scarification of thousands of Martyrs, who advocated in the favor Rama’s birthplace, became worthy after the event. Today, all the Hindus are pleased. Here all Hindus not only refers to the specific geography, but every corner of this world. No matter how deep the truth and reality is buried, one day, it is surfaced. It’s the universal truth. Victory is always in the side of truth. Hence Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah

  -  HR KOIRALA in a collaboration with Semant Bhattarai


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